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The purpose of thought
We can attain wisdom by three ways: first, by way of experience, this is the most difficult way; second, by way of imitation, this is the easiest way; and third by way of meditation, and this is the noblest way.
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<strong>The purpose of thought</strong>
We can attain wisdom by three ways: first, by way of experience, this is the most difficult way; second, by way of imitation, this is the easiest way; and third by way of meditation, and this is the noblest way.
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<strong>The purpose of thought</strong>
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<p>It often happens that a thought comes to us that seems both true and strange, and we hesitate to believe it. But then, if you think about it thoroughly, you see that the thought that seemed strange is the simplest truth, such that once you come to know it, you cannot stop believing in it.</p>
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While living among people, do not forget what you learned in solitude. And in solitude, reflect on what you learned from interacting with people.
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